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Humanity-Centric Innovation: Redefining Purpose to Build a Better World
Jun 15, 2022

Kimberly-Clark’s chief scientist, Pete Dulcamara, recently spoke at the 2022 Innovation Research Interchange (IRI) Annual Conference in New Orleans and delivered a keynote about a new model for humanity-centric innovation that can transform the benefits and value of products we use every day – and extend those benefits to billions of underserved people around the world.

The presentation provided a provocative overview of the challenges facing humanity and the new business models and exponential technologies shaping our future. It was delivered with visuals and data that prompted attendees to reflect on new opportunities to build a purpose-driven organization and deliver innovation that creates a better future for people around the globe.

For more on Pete's vision for humanity-centric innovation, check out his 2021 TEDxOshkosh talk

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