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Lori Shaffer: What I Now Know
Jun 8, 2022

What advice would you give your younger self? Kimberly-Clark’s vice president of its global nonwovens business, Lori Shaffer, recently answered this question and more during a candid conversation with Kaela Fennell-Chin, a consumer insights lead scientist at the company, as part of the Women’s CoLab ‘What I Now Know’ (WINK) series.

Lori shared career advice for women and girls of all ages, the importance of cultivating a growth mindset, how to navigate self-doubt, and what it takes to not only earn but retain a seat at the leadership table. Check out the full WINK conversation here.

The Women’s CoLab is a program that Verizon and its partners launched in 2021, and it’s a hub of free resources and peer-to-peer support to help women advance and thrive in their careers. For more information about the Women's CoLab, visit

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