GoodNites Brand Launches GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear
Jul 16, 2014
Groundbreaking & Innovative Bedwetting Protection Designed to Help Children Enjoy a Better Night, Every Night

NEENAH, Wis., July 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Nearly one-in-six children ages 4 - 12 in the United States wet their beds.  The emotional toll on families is extensive, hurting children's confidence and self-esteem and frustrating parents. With back-to-school approaching and children participating in more overnight social activities with classmates, these issues can escalate and even cause kids to avoid those activities.

Heeding parents' desires for a discrete and reliable bedwetting alternative, Kimberly-Clark's GoodNites® brand – a leading manufacturer of bedwetting management solutions – has introduced TRU-FIT*, cotton-blend underwear with disposable, absorbent inserts. This unique product washes and feels like regular underwear and provides the nighttime protection to help keep sheets and pajamas dry at night. Eighty-seven percent of Moms who tried TRU-FIT* said it will make their kids more confident. 1 

"GoodNites* TRU-FIT* is an innovative product born from the consumer insight that mom desires greater normalcy in managing bedwetting to help her child feel more confident," says GoodNites Senior Brand Manager Doug Daniels. "Bedwetting is common - and it's our mission for mom & child to have the resources, education and support they need to successfully manage this condition."

About Bedwetting
GoodNites® commissioned a survey to uncover consumer perceptions associated with bedwetting. Among the findings2:

  • 43 percent of parents incorrectly believe that bedwetting can be "trained" out of a child.
  • 41 percent of parents of bedwetters describe it as frustrating.
  • 51 percent seek a better overall bedwetting product.
  • More than one-quarter express anxiety about their child spending the night somewhere and wetting the bed.

Results also indicate many parents often are confused about bedwetting and find it difficult to discuss the condition or determine the best approach to help their child manage it. Additionally, as bedwetters get older, they may start to feel different from other children and suffer from low self-esteem.

"Many families don't realize that enuresis, more commonly known as bedwetting, is a temporary condition that children will grow out of once the bladder develops fully, which usually takes about three and half years," says Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg, nationally renowned pediatrician, mother and GoodNites® NiteLite® panelist.  "TRU-FIT* underwear looks and feels like regular underwear and will boost bedwetters' self-confidence."

About GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear

  • GoodNites* TRU-FIT* underwear is available now for purchase in most national retailers.
  • GoodNites* TRU-FIT* underwear is designed for boys and girls in sizes S/M and L/XL with colors and patterns for each size.
  • GoodNites* TRU-FIT* underwear is real, machine washable underwear accompanied by a disposable, absorbent insert that helps maximize leakage protection.

Visit the Better Night Network at and the GoodNites® Facebook page for more information regarding GoodNites* TRU-FIT*, retailer location and availability, additional bedwetting solutions and advice from a panel of GoodNites® trusted experts.

About Kimberly-Clark
Kimberly-Clark (NYSE: KMB) and its well-known global brands are an indispensable part of life for people in more than 175 countries. Every day, nearly a quarter of the world's population trust K-C brands and the solutions they provide to enhance their health, hygiene and well-being. With brands such as Kleenex, Scott, Huggies, Pull-Ups Kotex and Depend, Kimberly-Clark holds the No.1 or No. 2 share position in more than 80 countries. To keep up with the latest K-C news and to learn more about the Company's 142-year history of innovation, visit or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

1 The data point referenced above comes from a 2013 GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Concept & Use Study conducted among parents whose children tried TRU-FIT*.
2The data points referenced above come from a 2012 study commissioned by GoodNites®, produced by research firm Edelman Berland (formerly StrategyOne), and conducted as an online survey among 1,003 parents of children ages 4 to 6 in the United States.


For more information :
Shenetta Johnson

Eric Bruner

GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear for Boys


GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear for Girls

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SOURCE Kimberly-Clark

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